The time comes every year when you have to settle accounts with the IRS and pay your taxes. You might normally be scrupulous about filing and paying on time but maybe you’ve run in some difficulties and now you find yourself in trouble with the IRS. You are stressed, worried, and you need help with IRS tax problems. Don’t despair. There are, in fact, ways that you handle paying the IRS and avoiding the trouble that comes from being behind on your tax payments.
Sometimes the simplest way is the best. If you have worked out how much you owe then write a check or get a money order. You can resolve IRS tax issues by mailing your payment directly to the IRS. Make sure you send the payment with Form 1040-V. Your check or money order should have a memo line. Put your SSN, tax form, and tax year that you are applying the payment to on that line. Then just mail the payment to the address on the form.
The Electronic Federal Payment System (EFTPS) can help with IRS tax problems by making it easy to pay. You go online and register. It has no processing fee. It can handle any type of tax payment, including extension payments, corporate taxes, and payroll taxes. You will able to schedule your payments up to a year ahead of time. You are able to cancel payments as well, two days before they will be transmitted. Since the system saves your information, it provides a streamlined process and keeps a record of your payment for up to 16 months. The EFTPS makes it easy to resolve IRS tax issues.
The Electronic Federal Payment System (EFTPS) can help with IRS tax problems by making it easy to pay. You go online and register. It has no processing fee. It can handle any type of tax payment, including extension payments, corporate taxes, and payroll taxes. You will able to schedule your payments up to a year ahead of time. You are able to cancel payments as well, two days before they will be transmitted. Since the system saves your information, it provides a streamlined process and keeps a record of your payment for up to 16 months. The EFTPS makes it easy to resolve IRS tax issues.
Ask your IRS federal tax return preparer about direct debit to streamline your payment process. When you e-file your return with tax preparation software it allows you to arrange for direct debit payments. The program will give you a place to enter your bank account information and arrange for the payments to be made according to your specifications.
If you need to resolve IRS tax issues quickly you can use a same-day wire transfer. The payment is fast and direct, but you will pay a fee to the bank. Also, the fees might climb if the size of your payment is high. Be sure to check with your bank ahead of time to determine if you can make a wire transfer.
We all like the convenience of plastic. Your IRS problem resolution might just a credit card away. You do have to use a payment processor that is IRS approved, there are three available online. You should know that you will have to pay a transaction fee for the convenience. As always, if you use a credit card, you will be charged interest. Also, you can’t cancel a payment once it is processed.
When you absolutely have to feel secure that your payment has been made, paying in person can give you security. You can resolve your IRS tax issues in person. No need to be concerned about fraud or lost payments. It is a good idea to make an appointment and avoid the line. There are also IRS retail partners in local stores where you can make payments, they can be found online. You can even make a cash payment. Just make sure you get a detailed receipt!
Complete Small Business Solutions – A dedicated accounting and tax firm in Sarasota, Florida. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask! Contact our CPA firm today to schedule your free consultation for tailored accounting, tax planning, bookkeeping, and payroll taxes.